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SEARCH KEYWORD -- User friendly

  Some famous article aggregators

Blogs are still very important places for people sharing their thoughts about something although some social media platforms have replaced some of these capabilities. As a blog writer, how can you let others know what you are thinking about? Besides your friends and social media platforms, there are some article aggregators around us which can help us promote our articles. Other than some aggregators like Google News, readers can submit articles to these sites themselves What are some famous art...

   News aggregator,Reddit,Digg,Hacker News     2013-08-12 03:34:37

  Introduction to OAuth (in Plain English)

Last week we talked about giving away your passwords and how you should never do it.  When a website wants to use the services of another—such as Bitly posting to your Twitter stream—instead of asking you to share your password, they should use OAuth instead. OAuth is an authentication protocol that allows you to approve one application interacting with another on your behalf without giving away your password. This is a quick guide to illustrate, as simply as possibl...

   Security,OAuth,Permission,Partial access     2012-04-05 11:39:54

  App defeats web

As an admired rock musician and co-founder of the venture capital firm Elevation Partners, Roger McNamee has a statement about Apple : The reason why Apple is so successful today is because App defeats Web.Apple divides contents of web into small apps, and then ask users to pay. This actually means that Apple creates a new business model which is fundamentally different from Web.Commodity Content and Differential ContentCommodity Content is the information model in desktop and web era which is h...

   App,Web,Apple,HTML5     2012-05-16 05:16:00

  Can you learn to invest successfully using your smartphone?

Got some spare cash saved away, and want to start looking into building a financial portfolio and perhaps investing for your future? Putting your smartphone to good use every now and again, and spending your time on it productively rather than just for mindless social media scrolling and games, can actually help you to reach a better financial position before you’ve even noticed. For those interested, here are a few different tips on how you can learn to invest successfully using your smar...

   PROMOTION,SMARTPHONE,INVESTMENT     2020-07-01 00:37:42

  Understanding database, instance and schema in Oracle database

Oracle database is the most popular database system among enterprises. To start working on Oracle database, some concepts must be understood first. They include database, instance, schema and user etc. And among these concepts, some have different meanings from those in other database systems such as MS SQL, MySQL, DB2. On the web, there are already some good posts which explain different concepts such as Ask Tom's database vs instances, Difference between database vs user vs schema. In this pos...


  How mobile-first index impact on your rankings?

Google has officially announced the rollout of its mobile-first indexing. After a year and half of careful experimenting and testing. Google has begun to start a transition to websites that follow best practices for mobile optimization, to help the majority of people who use google search on their mobile devices (mobile users). Google says, its search algorithms use the mobile version of the web page to indexing and ranking, to better help 'primarily mobile' user-base. Google continues to have t...

   SEO,RAMKINGS,MOBILE SEO     2018-07-23 02:59:03

  User experience : Exception handling

Exception handling is the process of handling emergencies or unpredictable operational errors. The specific time of the occurrence of unexpected events and the actual consequences of the specific situation are difficult to predict. How to handle this unexpected crisis is also related to the user experience of your users. Let's first look at how some famous products deal with unexpected exception encountered by users:1. Goodyear tires can automatically expand when leaking.Tire blast is one of the...

   User experience,Exception handling     2013-04-06 05:05:04

  Easy Ways To Make Sure Your Website Is Ready For Mobile First Users

Websites are no longer a novelty or a useful complement to a brick and mortar store. They are an essential part of everyday life. The average American is spending up to ten hours every day online.   Businesses exist solely online, entrepreneurs with great ideas can start up online with very little help and even the most casual of users know what looks good. Consumers aren’t likely to forgive mistakes. If your website isn’t completely user-friendly, they know they ...


  Why is Design the Body Language of the Web?

Good web design is not just about the looks. It is also about the message being delivered to the user and this is probably much more important that it being pretty. Designing a visual message which will contain text has to be easily understood by the people you deliver that message to.Given this, you have to master the method of connecting to the people that visit your website. Besides knowing what they want and what they are looking for, you will have to know how to make it comfortable for them...

   Web design,Body language,Visual,Connection,Focus,Communication     2011-10-26 03:24:53

  So, just what IS the problem with Windows Phone?

Charlie Kindel (who left Microsoft earlier this year after 21 years, most recently as a Windows Phone General Manager), posted today on an “impedance mismatch” between carriers and device manufacturers, and Windows Phone, where those carriers and OEMs are “reluctant” to push Windows Phone, while Google’s Android has taken an approach that “reduces friction with carriers & device manufacturers at the expense of end users”. Kindel seems to be imply...

   Windows Phone,Trend,Weak market,Analysis     2011-12-27 09:11:19